visit to train station and museum
We went to an old train station and learned all about the trains that came through the Independence station. It was relocated and restored as it was years ago. It had all kinds of train artifacts that they have gathered and placed in it. We learned that the upper floor was the home for the station master and family.
Next to the train station was a pioneer museum so we went to see what they had for us to look at. It was very interesting to see all the pioneer tails across the country.
One day we went to Haun's Mill area to mow the grass there. The Church has purchased it in the last year. Now we will be going to it to keep it looking nice. For now they want it to be a place people can come with an area to park and look around. At this point there isn't much to see, just a couple of markers,
I drive the green John Deere tractor with the black seat and Dad drives the shorter one with the yellow seat.